Candidate Designs for the 2013 Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial Quarter

U.S. Mint art for the contenders for the Perry's Victory and International Peace Memorial quarter design

U.S. Mint art for the contenders for the Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial quarter design

In the fall of 2011, both the Citizen’s Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC), and the Commission of Fine Arts (CFA) reviewed designs for the 2013 Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial quarter. All designs featured the memorial column along with other elements such as flags and a statue of Perry, but they were rejected by both committees. Eight new designs were then prepared and submitted in February 2012.

Although the committees split, both favored designs showing Perry’s Victory and International Peace Memorial. One uses it as an element in the background with a statue of the naval hero Commander Perry in the foreground, and the other shows the column on the island as seen from the water. The Secretary of Treasury will make the final decision.

Best known for penning the words “We have met the enemy and they are ours…” Perry captured a group of British warships during the 1813 Battle of Lake Erie and forced them to surrender. This decisive victory left America in control of the lake.