Gettysburg National Military Park honored sixth in National Park Quarter series

Gettysburg Memorial Monument, Pennsylvania

Gettysburg Memorial Monument, Pennsylvania

Located in south-central Pennsylvania, Gettysburg National Military Park honors the soldiers who fought in the battle that history remembers as the turning point of the Civil War. Named a federally protected site in 1895, Gettysburg is the sixth site featured in the 2010-2021 National Park Quarter series.

From July 1-3, 1863, Union and Confederate forces met in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. By the battle’s end, about 51,000 casualties (out of the 165,000 soldiers who fought) were recorded – the most losses in a single Civil War conflict. Almost immediately after the Battle of Gettysburg, work was started to preserve the site. And on November 19, 1863, President Lincoln delivered his famed Gettysburg Address at the dedication of the Soldiers’ National Cemetery.

Today, nearly 1,400 statues, markers and monuments stand throughout Gettysburg, honoring both Union and Confederate soldiers. The park is maintained and dedicated to all who fought in that fateful battle, and to America as a united country.

More information on Gettysburg National Military Park.